ASA Main Projects 1992-2009
"Out-Migration from Armenia and Georgia" (ArGeMi), Free University of Berlin, 2008-2010.
"Modernization of Sociology in post Soviet Armenia" for the Conference of the Council of National Associations
"Transforming of Current Armenian Society", 39th World Congress " Sociology at the Crossroads" of the International
Institute of Sociology, Yerevan, Armenia, June 11-14, 2009,
"Global SSH". Institutions, policies for science support and perspectives of international research cooperation
with the European Union in Social Sciences and Humanities. China, Russia and countries of Eastern Europe, 2008,,
"INNO-Policy". Policy Trends and Appraisal Report. Armenia, 2008,
EVS-2008, Armenian country coordination, 2008-2009. ,
Nationwide sociological studies of media audience in Armenia, InterMedia/ ASA,
1998-2008, 10 surveys.
- Survey of Armenian Public Opinion, December 2007
- Survey of Armenian Public Opinion, January 2008
- Survey of Armenian Public Opinion, October-November 2007
- Survey of Armenian Public Opinion, July 2007
- Survey of Armenian Public Opinion, March 2007
- Survey of Armenian Public Opinion, November 2006
- Survey of Armenian Public Opinion, July-August 2006
- Survey of Armenian Public Opinion, April-May 2006
Public opinion polls conducted with POPULUS (UK) 2007-2008
- Armenian Political Attitudes

Fieldwork: April 3rd 2007 - April 10th 2007
published by Armenia TV,10.04.07
Populus interviewed a random sample of 1500 adults face-to-face aged 18+ between 3rd April 2007 and 10th April 2007.
The poll was conducted by multi-stage random sample, with respondents selected by the random route method, using the next
birthday rule to select a respondent from within a household. The margin of error does not exceed +/- 2.5% (at 95% confidence)
- Armenia Presidential election campaign poll

Fieldwork: January 21st 2008 - January 29th 2008
published by Armenia Public TV & Radio
Populus interviewed a random sample of 1500 adults face-to-face aged 18+ between 21st January 2008 and 29th January 2008.
The poll was conducted by multi-stage random sample, with respondents selected by the random route method, using the next
birthday rule to select a respondent from within a household. The margin of error does not exceed +/- 2.5% (at 95% confidence)
- Armenia Presidential Election Eit Poll
Fieldwork: February 19st 2008
published by Armenia Public TV & Radio
First time in Armenia Populus and ASA conducted Exit Poll. 126 Precinct Points in all over the Armenia were examined by
260 interviewers during the Presidential elections in 19 February 2008. 14 000 voters adults face-to-face aged 18+ between
were interviewed by random sample.
- Armenia Presidential Election Post-Election Poll

Fieldwork: February 21st 2008 - February 24th 2008
published by Armenia Public TV & Radio
Populus interviewed a random sample of 1500 adults face-to-face aged 18+ between 21st February 2008 and 24th Febraury 2008.
The poll was conducted by multi-stage random sample, with respondents selected by the random route method, using the next
birthday rule to select a respondent from within a household. The margin of error does not exceed +/- 2.5% (at 95% confidence).
Public opinion polls conducted with POPULUS (UK) 2007-2008
- Armenian Presidential Poll (Armenian) 7th November 2007

- Armenian Presidential Poll (English) 7th November 2007

"Migration Sector NGOs Development Project" (MSDP), IOM , 1997-2002.
"Transcaucasian Common Migration Space and NGO PC Network", IOM, 1997-1998.
Human Development Report - Armenia 97, UNDP, 1997.
TACIS Democracy Programme of the EU "Establishment of the IRDN in CIS countries", Berlin, Germany, 1996-1997
"Forced Migration Project", Open Society Institute, 1995-1997, New York
"Armenian Illegal Migrants in Germany", IOM, UNHCR, 1996-1997
"Skills for Life in Armenian Schools", UNESEF, 1995-1996
"Democracy and Local Governance", International Research Project, 1995-1996
"Conditions of Life and Social Adaptation of Refugees in Armenia", 1995-1996
"Conditions of Women in Armenia", National Report, UNDP, 1993-1994
"Sociology of Disaster. Case of Armenia", 1993-1994
"An Armenian's Life in Armenia", 1992-1993
"The Men in the Calamity Zone". A Study of social consequences of earthquake in Armenia, 1989-1992